
Thursday, May 14, 2015

An auspicious beginning

I would like to welcome you to my blog.  Here I will be sharing my experiences from my MLIS 7505 class, Applied Tech.  While I am familiar with many of the aspects that we are going to be covering in class like FB or Twitter, that experience has been purely for personal enjoyment/consumption.  And while I do understand social media in a more practical application via businesses of all types that use it and other networking tools to generate more income; I believe it will be interesting to see what is currently being discussed and implemented in the library scene.

I come from a technology background having worked in the IT industry for three years prior to starting this degree.  I specifically worked with audiovisual equipment for classroom instruction.  But all technology in general has intrigued me and almost all of my hobbies are connected in some way to different types.  With all the different advancements that technology continues to make each year I think that is it vital for libraries and librarians to delve pretty deeply into what is being used, how it is being used, and why.

So again welcome to my blog (note: odd things may occur at random so please be aware of any and all exits, here, here, and here).

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
~Arthur C. Clarke

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